Saturday, March 04, 2006

January 19th

It's January 19th. Just to get up to speed. I've been editing HUSH for the past 6 weeks. I'm about 45% done. I started cutting sequentially but it's daunting. I've never edited a movie that accelerate been entirely shot. Usually the editor is cutting as the film is being shot.

So here I am, cutting away at the over 40 hours of footage that I have to widdle down to 90 minutes. And going sequentially is tough, as I know there are HUGE scenes waiting to be put together. As the director as well, I have a great desire to see how those things look,see where I succeeded and where I failed. Also, I just want to see the looks 'cool'.

So to be honest, I've bounced ahead a few times. Overall, I'm VERY pleased with the footage. It looks great and I think the actors did a good job. It's also a fun trip down memory lane. You start to cut anew scene and are instantly transported back to the day of shooting. The struggles and triumphs of the scene. Of course, it's all still too bright but that is the goal when shooting, make sure you have a image to darken. You can always go darker and add shadows... You can NOT add brightness and image to darkness. At times, I must admit, I have found the recorded sound to be a hassle. The house is old, the floor creak, the dolly squeaked and soon. So the sound at times has been driving me mental. Granted I'm dealing with the sound that was recorded on the camera.

Hopefully, once I get the sound from the DAT tapes into the Final Cut Pro system,it won't be an issue anymore. That will happen in the next 2 weeks. Until then... soldier on...It's my fault as I never gave sound the time and attention it deserved. Back when we started this concept, we didn't want any dialogue at all. Well that was nice to dream. Of course I know, in three months when HUSH is mixed, it will all be solved and we'll have a KICK-ASS sounding film.



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