Well, today was the first day of ADR. That is the process of re-recording dialogue in a studio environment to match to a already cut, projected film. So today we had an ADR virgin in.... LAUREN ROY and she was fantastic. She discovered that when she was 'zen-like' it was much easier. When she stressed over the sync of some lines, it became more difficult. So what we had thought was gonna take about 15 hours, will only be about 10... we hope. Unless, y'know, Lauren shows up totally drunk tomorrow morning.
There was a moment that I thought Lauren was going to faint or die. We had her hyperventillating to get breath and gasp sounds for about an hour. She was getting light headed. It was hilarious, as we didn't really those breath sounds. Just a cruel joke the ADR editors play on all the newbies. Now you see, that was the cruel joke.... We did need those sounds. I was just kidding. The ADR editors did a great job today as well.... Ronayne, David and Jean all put up with my antics and were very patient with us. Thanks dudes.... It was fun today and we got plenty done.
I've included a picture of Lauren from the movie.
There was a moment that I thought Lauren was going to faint or die. We had her hyperventillating to get breath and gasp sounds for about an hour. She was getting light headed. It was hilarious, as we didn't really those breath sounds. Just a cruel joke the ADR editors play on all the newbies. Now you see, that was the cruel joke.... We did need those sounds. I was just kidding. The ADR editors did a great job today as well.... Ronayne, David and Jean all put up with my antics and were very patient with us. Thanks dudes.... It was fun today and we got plenty done.
I've included a picture of Lauren from the movie.
What does ADR stand for? Is it an acronym? is it for Awesome Dudes Rock or Adulterous Dirty Robot? Hw about Audio Displacement Rectalometer? Absolutely Dumb and Retarded? Help me out B to the SU.
What was your favorite part of filming "Creak"? ...I mean "the Chair" (oooo scary chair "You can't scream if you can't breathe" you can totally use that for a tag line if you want....free-o-charge!). A second question, What was your fave part of Filming GS2? I heard from direct sources that you had a huge crush on the dude that played Tyler.
Well, I will answer both Chuck and Duane's queriesin my Blog for April 11. (queries being a good word when referring to those two guys)
I've got a question... how much dialogue in an average movie nowadays would be ADR? I suspect some filmmakers would have neraly 100%, but what would be your guess?
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