Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Well today is the first day of spring. That was the most snowlessness winter ever. Okay, I could have phrased that better, but you get my drift (pun intended). We had no snow in Toronto this year. That's just F&^%#&. Is it Global Warming? Or just a weather pattern?

Had another person tell me today that they liked the title "HUSH" better than "the Chair". Are we making a mistake? To me Hush seems soft. It could be a straight ahead drama. To be honest, maybe I have lost my objectivity. Anybody have any insight on this. We were gonna call it "GIGLI", but that was taken.

So, I'm racing towards another screening. My partners and I came up with a 'fresh' new idea that I am going to implement. I'm not sure it is going to work. It certainly is an experiment. but what better place to try an experiment than the editing lab. There comes a time in every editing process, where I think the film gets to stage where it doesn't get better.... it just gets 'different'. In my opinion, after awhile, the people involved start to try things that certainly change the movie, but is it better.... or just a variation? Perhaps we have reached that point.... maybe.... maybe not. Of course, it is always worth trying to clarify story, but you really don't want to hand EVERY little detail to the audience.... or do you? It's a delicate balance. And film runs at 24 frames per second, and a movie is approx. 90 minutes... that's 5400 seconds times 24 frames is.... well it's plenty. The permutations choices are endless. And of course that's NOT including all the footage that doesn't make the cut.

That's kinda where we are now... trying to make sure everything makes perfect sense.... but are we doing so at the expense of mystery and suspense. Like I said... nobody knows anything.

BTW - The picture above is MORTY... my female kitten.... named after a character from THE CHAIR/HUSH/GIGLI whatever. No real reason... just sometimes it's nice to look at an innocent kitten. Not as nice as perhaps a basket of bunnies.... but that's another story.....


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