Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13 - I'm BACK

Hey...Sorry I disappeared for awhile.... ^%$# happens.

Did you all miss me.... both of you?

So big news.... as of now, the HUSH has become "The CHAIR". Comments? Suggestions...... We reserve the right to change it back of course. But we like "the Chair". It has a simplistic feel and is influenced by the recent ASIAN horrors....The Grudge, the Ring, The Eye, The Big Fat Momma etc. So there it is. Please if you have comment, let me know.... either of you.

A couple of personal notes;

I returned from a FANTASTIC weekend at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival. For me, it is these festivals that are the cherry on top of the movie making sundae... bad analogy I admit. But to go and hang out with other directors/actors/fans/producers/writers etc, is SOOO much fun. And the people at the KCFF treated me and their other guests so well... Particularly since I have a 'sorted past' with the festival. I was mischievous there a few years ago.... and yet they still asked me back. Another story for another time. A very accessible festival that gives the people of Kingston the opportunity to see their national films, which don't usually go to the local über-plex. And the festival also gives so much back to the film community,offering free seminars and one on ones for young people starting into film careers. Wow, feels like I was paid to say all this nice stuff... I wasn't.... One more thing.... Kingston is very beautiful.... It used to be Canada's capital so is full of history. Well history and hot women too, as Queen's University is there.

I'm so shallow and superficial.

Good thing only you two readers know this.

Okay, that was way longer than expected...So the second personal note, I will save until tomorrow....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm one of the two reading this. Where can I get a chair?
The title works better than Hush. But I told you I didn't care for it before anyway.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

Well, Brett here.... I have a feeling I know this 'anonymous'. Saying "But I told you I didn't care for it before anyway." gives that away. However, I have had MANY debates with many people over the last few months about the title.

My partners and I have debated, and "The Chair" was the winner over Hush. Where to get a 'chair'? Be more specific... like a torture chair similar to ours.... well, to be frank, we are currently in negotiations with Mattel and Kellogg's... perhaps out of either chocolate or nougat.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Hush better.
It's creepier than Chair.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

So I understand you like 'HUSH"better than "the Chair"... why.... please list your reasons.

- Brett

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many movies out right now with similar names, the ring, the eye, etc. It's overdone.
"Hush" though, has that hissing sound when you say it which adds to the creepiness.
Just picture a little kids voice saying "Hushhhhhh" over some creepy music.
Maybe I watch too many scary movies or something :)

2:10 PM  

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