March 3rd
Hey .... did you miss me.....? Not really huh? So F%$# YOU then. Well, I missed you.
Been awhile huh? I had many issues last week. I was in a funk...I'll be straight up... a bad 'wanna punch a wall, crawl into the fetal position and rock back and forth for few hours' kinda funk.
I was supposed to be going to Europe for a Film Festival. But due to some mis-communication and incompetence, I didn't go. So that left me with a bad feeling. I mean, I could have been there now. Instead, I'm writing a little BLOG for the 2-3 people that are gonna read this. Well, this one is for... sticking around for week waiting for the next tid bit of mediocre ranting that I do. So today I'll tell you something special... something that nobody else knows about.... but it's between us.... here goes....
I used to be a carny.
There, I said it. I didn't need to be a carny, but I had a desire to be near all the plushies. The sweet, soft and furry animals that were my only true friends as I grew up a loser, zitty , mulleted, geek.
The carnies were my family, and the plushies my friends. theywouldn't betray me like the Varsity rhythm gymnastics team did. Thank god I'm not a geek anymore... still a zitty loser with a mullet though.
I'm still cutting the film down. It's at 96 minutes. We have to lose about 5 more minutes in the first act... that's gonna be tough. Slowly it's coming out. Last week I spent a whack of time fixing some audio issues as well. I'm hoping to have a screening for fresh eyesnext week, so the audio should be clear so the audience can understand.
I was wondering if it has to be certain length? Why?
No, but we are aiming for under 95 minutes.
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