Saturday, March 04, 2006

February 10th

Oh Crap....

It's Febtober 10. I was hoping to finish my first assembly LAST week. I'm still not there. A while ago I thought I was close.... but now that closeness is farther than I though. It's a turtle's pace. I think I'm still a good 2-3 days away. It's killing me. It reminds of that tale about the rabbit in the race.... he makes a deal with somebody about something, ahhh forget it, it's not important. The point is that he would finish half the race in second, then half of the remaining half in a second, So in two seconds he's covered 3/4 of the race. Then he covers half of the remaining 1/4 in a second, then another second for the next 1/8th.... and so on. Eventually of course, all the turtles, or turkeys (is it turkies?) or dwarf tree frogs, or three toed sloths or whatever would finish the race. The rabbit would NEVER finish. Great story..... Would make an excellent indie movie.... with like Mickey Rourke as the rabbit and John Cusak as the frog.

I'm talking crap. I'm a little bummed. My point is, although the end is VERY near for the first assembly, after like 10 weeks, it's still quite far. I think and I'm getting closer, and I am, but there is still a ways to go. I told my partners I be done this week. They're gonna wanna give me wedgie.

But hey... can't rush art. What's the old expression about editing a movie... "you never finish cutting a movie, you just give up"...something like that but more eloquent. Okay... new ETA for first assembly.... Weds Feb.15. Wow... That hurts to say. I feel defeated.

Thanks goodness it's the weekend so I can think for two days abouthow long this is taking. You know what they about an e-mail/blog..."you never finish... you just....


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