Saturday, March 04, 2006

February 19th

Well had a screening with my partners, Michael Capellupo (writer) and Doug Patterson (producer).

They had absolutely NOTHING valuable to say. I just put that there because I know they read these little blogs of mine.

The screening was actually quite illuminating. I had yet to sit downand watch the film from start to finish. It was also nice to see it outside the edit suite for one. We screened at my house.

I think the main issue has to do with story clarity. But because the three of us are too close to the project, and we know the story we want tell, we are not good judges. We will eventually need fresh eyes. Someone who doesn't know anything about the story we want tell and only sees the story we told.... and does it make sense. What is missing from the plot and characters? It's hard for me as I'm too close.

But other than that, I think we were all pleased with the film.


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