Friday, March 31, 2006


Well, I am still stressed and got all cylinders up on bust. But slowly, and surely, my work as the picture editor on the CHAIR is coming to an end.

Yesterday I had the spotting session with all the good sound editors at Tattersall Sound and Picture. And this morning, I had a spotting session with our composer, Kurt Swinghammer. My temp music track was practically wall to wall music. So at Kurt's suggestion, he will cover those areas, but suggests we try losing some when we get to the mix.

As for the sound editors at Tattersall, it is SO encouraging at how welcoming and enthusiastic they are. Ronayne, Jean and Brent all seem to be looking forward to digging in and giving the The Chair a swift, round house, kung fu kick in to its audio side. Very encouraging. Of course, give them a few weeks to get to know me, then they will regret their enthusiasm... see next paragraph.

For proof of this, see comments form previous BLOG. Somebody obviously doesn't have warm, fuzzy, kitten feelings for me. I think their initial are BM. Which reminds me to pick up toilet paper on the way home.

Our Producer Doug, is off on a ballsy adventure. He has been a VERY busy boy getting himself ready for MIP. A place to sell TV and films. Getting posters and DVD's ready. Printing cards, setting up interviews, pumping the midgets for information... the 9 yards. He's going to get the buzz for "THE CHAIR" going and to interest people in our next crazy adventure in 'we didn't know any better' movie making entitled "Denise's Back". Doug has to try to get people psyched about this whacked out, crazy ass story we have concocted about a boy named Boo whose life for the last 8 Years has been a living hell. That will all changes cuz his incarcerated sisters is being released. The whole small town of Berlin is in a frenzy because they all know that the dreaded inevitable has happened.... DENISES BACK.

So Doug, go to MIP, work your magic, showcase our mojo and karate chop some executives.... I wish him the best of luck..... Godspeed young Doug.... GODSPEED.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get warm fuzzy feelngs when I think about you Brett. Real warm and real fuzzy.

I wish I could quit you...

4:01 PM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

You can't quit me.... cuz in the words of The Donald..."You're FIRED"

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you decided to April fool us huh......where's the blog, blogboy? HUH? I've been waiting here all day, now another day is almost gone.

How am I supposed to find out what the f@#$ is going on! Are you dead? Have the midgets revolted? Tell me, tell MEEEE!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

Dearest Mr. Waiting.....

In the words of the immortal William Shatner... "GET A LIFE, MOFO". Okay, I added the 'MOFO' part. But c'mon, please let me NOT have to entertain the two of you EVERY SINGLE DAY. I need some 'brett' time. In fact, I think every body should have a little 'brett' time. That's what the world needs.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the other words of William Shatner, AKA Captain Kirk "Damnit Bones, finnish your damn Blog!". Your "Brett time" consists of watching the Simpsons, eating Dorrito's, talking to your cat, and cleaning the ol' pipe cleaner. I am trying to help YOU get a life by doing something that requires two hands.(don't flatter yourself). BLOG damn it!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

Oh Mr. (or MS.) Waiting... you have the ability to hide and cower behind your wall of anonymity. I will serve NO Blog before it's time. But resorting to masturbatory (is that even a word?) slander is underhanded (pun intended). You can't force the Blog.... I will however, PROMISE one tomorrow....April 3. But whoever you are.... you only know me slightly... I have moved away from the Torrito's to the Lime Chips....MMmmmm Hint of Lime.

9:34 PM  

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