Monday, May 08, 2006


Okay.... I had a great blog today, then I lost it.... I am REALLY UPSET. I have to restart from scratch.... well here goes....

To answer a few questions from some comments...

1 - We were conscious of our 'rating' during shooting. Being aware of the nudity and profanity and keeping it to minimum... at least on screen. During the shoot, I was naked and swearing constantly. So I'm not sure what our rating will be.... it's NOT a science and we'll just have to wait and see. I'm not worried.

2 - I think the film will be finished by the end of this month. We would LOVE to have a screening. However, I will be going away from Mid-May to Mid July. SO if there is a screening then, it'll be sans Brett.

And we are applying to the Toronto International Film Festival. Sure our hopes are high, but realistically, I think the odds are against us. There are SOOO many bigger budget films to compete against. We'll keep our fingers crossed and our palms greased... but these other bigger budget films have even GREASIER palms and a much bigger publicity machine behind them. All we have is us guys at Panic Pictures, and we're NOT a pretty bunch.... well Michael is......

So today we started the pre-mix. Today it was backgrounds, tonight it's dialogue. So for the backgound pre-mix, the mixer has all the sound effects for the various scenes and locations and he mixes them in an appropriate fashion. For instance, an exterior shot will have MANY tracks; cars, birds, sirens, wind, kids playing, dogs etc. Then you may cut to an interior shot and the tracks have to be remixed; furnace, clock, radiator but also the perspective of the dogs and kids playing has to be changed to match the new location. Plenty of work.

On a separate rant....

I spent the weekend fumbling around with many power tools building a wooden shed. It was hard work... drilling, screwing, sawing. But my mind went to the builders of yore. In the past, when constructing houses, ships, buildings, bridges etc, they didn't have electricity. Poor bastards. They had to do all that stuff with just pure know how and brawn.

I guess, the Mennonites still build stuff like that, without the assistance of electricity or power tools. But I guess the consolation is that they have 8 wives. Poor bastards.

The lesson here is that we are VERY lucky these days.... I appreciate where and when I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brett - Great blog and keep up the Mennonite work ethic. On another issue, I'd love to see the behind the scenes video of you naked and cursing.
That's all for the way, Michael is the cutest.

8:41 AM  

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