Tuesday, July 11, 2006



Nothing new to report on "THE CHAIR" but I do have a question to pose to all those who read this. I know you haven't seen the film but what title intrigues you most..... "THE CHAIR" or "HUSH". We are having the title debate again. Honestly I'm torn... each has its own merits....

So please if you are reading this.... comment on your favourite and if possible a brief explanation for your choice.... MUCH THANKS. You may have influence over the name we choose.

Now to other random things...

Graham... thanks for the offer... but we need more than about $3 to make our next film... not much more, but more....

And to Louis - I do NOT think "THE CHAIR" will make it into Fantasia THIS year.... I don't think we have enough time to get it submitted and ready considering that Festival starts this month. And it is a FANTASTIC festival. I was there last year. The fans at FANTASIA are the best.

What is happening on the film is this....

- we are going to soon enter the mix studio to some fixes. We had the luxury of some time off to evaluate where we are and what needs fixing... so if/when we get all the 'band' back together, we'll attack the sound. But even as is, it's pretty kick-ass

- I will have to have another more subtle go at the colour timing.... in retrospect and when watching at home, I discovered that I sometimes went to far with the 'look/style' and with the vignetting we have been using.... again, we're lucky we have this opportunity to fix it.

- the visual effects LOOK SPECTACULAR. I saw some tests last week and CORE has done wonderful work. The visuals could easily be from a 100 million dollar film... WICKED COOL.

That's it for now....

Oh, and I had a GREAT surprise today. This stranger from AFRICA, asked ME, of all the people in the world, to help him get $25,000,000 out of his country. If I help, I get 10%. Seems fair... by this time next month, I could have 2.5 million. SWEET. The internet is awesome... otherwise Mr. NBULU, a good Christian, wouldn't have been able to ask my assistance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still like "The Chair", but I'm possibly a little biased.

Have you considered "Toronto After Dark" (http://www.torontoafterdark.com/)? A tiny fest, but who knows...

P.S. thanks for the kind words on UHM and elsewhere.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an old movie called Hush already exists.
the Chair sounds more wicked, plus that visual of the chair works....

4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though I like "The Chair", I like "Hush" better.
I like that there is a lot of hushing in the movie. The creepy quiet in the house, the mockingbird song, the mesmerizing, to name but a few.
I feel "the chair" maybe gives away a major plot point. We see a lot of work being done to create something, isn't it better to wonder what it is?
I guess I like the possesion aspect of the film more that the the panic vest prop. (though I do love Adam's creation- it's brilliant)

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brett--

I prefer "Hush" to "The Chair." It's just more evocative; spookier. The Chair doesn't necessarily give you a sense of what genre the film is... it could be anything from a drama (about carpenters?) to a relationship-comedy-road-movie like, say, the upcoming "The Puffy Chair." That said, "The Ring" and "Hostel" don't give you much to go on, either, so what do I know? Plus I haven't seen the movie. But it sounds like it's creepy, quiet, and spooky, so it seems that the title should suggest that. Whatever you decide, best of luck and I look forward to seeing it!


4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like 'The Chair', whoever designed the logo for that title did a really cool one too, personally though, i like the tag-line best, If that were the title, well... who wouldn't want to go see a film called "Sit Down And Shut Up!"? Other than people who want to stand up and make noise that is.
BTW, i also got an e-mail off Mr Nbulu, when i get the money off him i'll donate it to go towards your next film, first i just have to pay him a $1000 processing fee, so he can get the money to me, this guy is so nice.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "The Chair", Hush has been done before.

More mysterious and goes better with the leading lady Alanna.

A. Awde

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "Hush" More, it's creepier

8:35 AM  
Blogger Brett Sullivan said...

Wow F. Cornyea really took it to the next level.... Thanks...
Are you being straight with me? My grade 2 teacher was named Cournyea....

But your research is invaluable.... if it is indeed REAL.

And to the rest of you people.... sorry it ahs taken me so long for another entry... Not much to report lately...

THANKS to all that responded though...


9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "The Chair" better than "Hush". Hush sounds like an exploring-your-vagina type of middle aged lady movie. While I agree with Alex that the possession is a stronger aspect of the plot than the physical chair, Hush is such a weak title. The Chair also suits the wicked "Sit Down and Shut Up" tagline.

12:56 PM  

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