Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17/06 - See 'C' The Movie

Doug here, producer of Brett's opus we are currently calling 'C' - we haven't been able to settle on a title, so this should satisfy everyone I hope... Brett has pressured me into pitch blogging tonight, so I hope I can live up to what has become the daily reading of the Toronto film elite.... at least that's what I tell him to keep him blogging....he's very needy....

It's quarter after 11, and I'm sittiing here with Kirk, Eric and the captain himself, BS. All I can think is how lucky we are to have had such incredible support on this film. From day one we've had one amazing surprise after another, and now on day 212 of 15 not only is everyone still with us, but we're gathering even more and more help.

Kurt Swinghammer has put together a killer score which punctuates perfectly (nice use of alliteration Doug) Brett's creepy moments.

Tattersall, our post sound house as put together the sound design of a Hollywood film, on the budget and timeline of an indie-it's ridiculous it's so good. We just keep throwing problems at them and they keep solving them for us. We realized today we needed one more line of ADR (again, we're still not sure what that means....) and the guys here have come together on short/no notice to get it recorded. As well, the actor is rearranging his schedule to come into the studio at the drop of a hat and Michael is organizing the whole thing. Brett is not avail for that ADR recording because after sitting through the mix all night long, he goes home, sleeps for a few hours and then heads over to Mag North where he will sit with Sue, the colorist all day long tweaking the picture to as good as it can be.

You might be saying to yourself, oh yeah..., so what are you doing Doug? Well, good question... I'm feeling a little helpless... I've used up all of my holidays from my day job long ago so I'm not really much good to the film from 9-6. I am able to slip out of work throughout the day to check the messages on my cell phone or call Brett and Michael to see what's happening. If my boss is away and I'm lucky enough to get any one of the zillion people I have on my list on the phone, I can get something done, but more often than not when I'm available, they are not. That means my nights and weekends are spent trying to get everything done - but of course the people I need to deal with are not thrilled about working on that schedule.

All in all I'm as useless as Brett's third nipple for the better part of each day.

Bottom line is, I'm very thankful for all of the help from everyone. I am thrilled with what we have and am still in shock that we've pulled it off. We're not there yet though, so I guess we should leave the midgets alone for now...

Oh's my job to make sure that more than just the two of you hear about this do me a favour and tell a friend.

Thanks everybody.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brett -
Who's this Doug person and why is he so interested in your third nipple?

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol i was thinking same as annonymous, but Doug, surely Brett's third nipple is just as usefull as the other two? Also i've pretty much been posting the film poster everywhere i go and linking it to

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, douglas patterson, hes a producer

6:18 PM  

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