Thursday, May 11, 2006


VERY FRUSTRATING those SUDOKU puzzles.....

So I have been busy everynight this week working on the dialogue pre-mix with Eric Apps. I sit at the back of the room and intermittently voice my opinion... He'll play back various option for various lines. Some will be sync that was recorded during the shooting versus some of the ADR choices. So we listen to all the various takes, that have been delicately synched by the dialogue editors to fit into the actors lip movements where appropriate. Then I make a choice as to my favourite take of all those versions. Of course, before we get to the actual mix, it's hard to tell when the quality of the recordings don't always match. But that will fixed during the mix.

(So I wanted to put a picture near this paragraph that referred to ADR [Additional Dialogue Recording-see previous Blog posts], so I GOOGLED ADR in an image search.... try it....
the VERY first image to appear was the one of seen here..... I have no clue WHY, but I thought it was funny...... )

So I sit at the back of the room, and Eric will play me versions every now and then and I make a selection. In between those moments.... I amuse myself....

1 - Surf the Internet... this week I joined MySpace, and I now have almost 4 friends.... including the guy that automatically and creepily becomes your friend the moment you sign up. Oh, I should say that I joined MySpace so as to listen to some Canadian music on various homepages.... I was VERY successful... I'll get to that later...

2 - Work on the Sudoku.... 4 times now I think I have almost cracked the puzzle only to discover after about 80% being finished that I have duplicated 6's in one row... meaning I made a mistake somewhere along the way.... VERY frustrating. I'm not enthused, or smart enough, to retrace my actions to find the error... So I just curse to myself and plan on hunting Señor Sudoku down and rubbing the newspaper all over his face for wasting my time.... Oh Señor Sudoku, why must you torment me with 'almost' completing your puzzle....

3 - Planning world domination and the perfect heist... or caper... Caper is a fun word.

So I was scouring the net for some great songs to use in THE CHAIR. I had a few choices but nothing perfect in my opinion. Then a came across this Vancouver band.... I won't mention the name in case the deal doesn't go thru... but for now, this particular group has been VERY accommodating and pleasurere to deal with..Particularly since we are under time constraints to get the deal done before we spend the time and money mixing their songs into the film. But we at Panic Pictures are extremely happy with these choices....

Saw a preview of POSEIDON today.. in IMAX.... very disappointed.... if you've seen TITANIC, you've seePOSEIDON..... nothing original in it....
I also have a habit at laughing at inappropriate times during a film if I find something ridiculous... I laughed about 6 times in POSEIDON.
Oh, and I ate one and half LARGE bags of popcorn and about a litre of Diet Coke... so good at the time, but felt kinda gross an hour later....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sudoku-fu is weak...

8:51 PM  

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