NO News... But is it GOOD News? And a Sneak Peak

I am updating the blog... get of my back... geez....
Since this THE CHAIR BLOG, I am to report on the status of THE CHAIR...
But first, before I tell you there is NO NEWS, at left is a SNEAK PEAK at one of the awesome effects shots. Those that worked on the film will know what it is... those that didn't... well guess???? Actually, I'd like to hear what YOU think the image is????
WELL, it is STILL not done. But loyal and patient readers.... oh so close.... SO EFFING CLOSE. The Sound is totally done and it kicks ass, the special effects by CORE are done and are wicked... all that is left to do is to cut the special effects into the movie... that will happen in early March as I am off to Vancouver for a few weeks.
Then shortly after that, we will have a cast/crew/whoever screening then we can all pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. Then we can finally start pumping the midgets for information.
We are currently applying to festivals about... see what sticks there and also in the midst of working on a trailer...

Okay, that last paragraph is all lies, but I had to fill the blog with something... if you want more blogs, ask some more questions
Well Brett, let me be the first to guess that the effect is in fact a hologram-type weird image of your face. Very Alfred Hitchcock of you if that is the case. Unfortunately you look like you've just spent a hard night out at perhaps The Brunswick House?
that's NOT MY face.... I'm a little paler...
That's not true about Doug and Michael. I know for a fact that they spent their honeymoon in Whistler.
ok, the image, it's a door right?!!! I WIN! Also, get pumping those midgets! and be sure to take some video footage of that to post on the blog.
I'm climbing back onto Bretts back and i'm digging my spikey football boots into his spine, and no i won't get off, i want to see this damn film, DAMN IT! And if i don't see it soon, i'm gonna go crazy, and crazy people do crazy things, ever seen that movie with that guy in that hotel, where he got the shining or whatever and went mental on his family? i think it was called ghost hotel or something, but yeh, i'll go even crazier than that, like that chick from wishing stairs and i'll put glass in your ballet shoes so theres no chance you'll win the competition, then i'll push you down some stairs to cripple you, but then i'll relaise that you being crippled was all in my head and i actually murdered you but didn't know it because i'd driven myself insane and i'll end up being haunted by your vengeful spirit cos you possessed the fat kid that had a secret crush on you.
Whoa Graham... it's just a movie... settle down... and no matter how much angst you feel cuz "THE CHAIR" is yet to be finished.... imagine how I feel... or the the other cast and crew.... but soon my pretties... soon...
Ah Brett,
so creative. I think you should do a romantic comedy next, based loosely on your fictitious account of Doug and Michael's wedding. Count me in if you shoot it on location in Costa Rica...
I noticed fangoria has some big horror thing going on in may, perhaps a special screening to create more buzz might be in order? (it would be the right crowd)
I bought myself a rocking chair to relax myself while i wait, so your ballet shoes will remain glass free for now.
hmm, well since you're never updating can you answer a question i have, i asked before but you didnt say, did you sign the guestbook of (when it was active)?
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